Novels published around the movies.
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Here is a listing of the commercial literature tied in with the movies, with some info about each book. If you aren't aware of the publications, this list will be useful.
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Publisher: Warner Books
ISBN: 0446829773
Info: A novelisation of the screenplay written by Dan O'Bannon. The original story was by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett
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Outline: Nostromo is flying through space... Bad things happen. Ripley's first appearance [where have you BEEN??]
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Published: 1986
Publisher: Warner Books
ISBN: 0446301396
Info: A novelisation of the screenplay written by James Cameron [of Terminator fame, no less].
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Outline: Ripley is rescued, and sent back to LV426. Marines come with her. Bad things happen.
Alien 3
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Published: June 1992
Publisher: Warner Books
ISBN: 0446362166
Info: A novelisation of the screenplay written by David Giler, Walter Hill and Larry Fergusson. The original story was by Vincent Ward.
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A novelization of the movie sequel starring Sigourney Weaver. Follows Ripley as she crashes down onto a prison planet and must battle the Alien once more before it destroys the whole world. Movie tie-in.
[by Ingram- publisher]
This is the one where Ripley kicks the bucket [filed with molten lava].
Alien Resurrection
Author: A.C. Crispin; Kathleen O'Malley
Published: December 1997
Publisher: Warner Books
ISBN: 0446602299
Purchase options: Buy in UK [] or Buy in US and world [] or Buy in Germany []
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Having experienced her own death, Ellen Ripley awakens on a space station and learns that her resurrection is the result of an incredible experiment that has altered both her and the alien creature she is carrying. Original. Movie tie-in
[by Ingram- publisher]
Alien Omnibus
Author: Alan Dean Foster
Published: 1993
Publisher: Warner Books
ISBN: 0751506672
Info: Lovely compilation of the first 3 books by A.D.Foster.
Purchase options: Buy in UK [] or Buy in Germany []
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Outline: What CAN it be?? the first three books together...
Author: Paul Monette
ASIN: 0515090026
Info: Novelisation of the movie script.
Purchase options: Buy in US and world []
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Outline: Schaefer is sent into the jungle to rescue a group of US soldiers downed in a helicopter. The rescuers are turned into the hunted.
Predator 2
Author: Simon Hawke
ASIN: 0515105783
Info: Novelisation of the second movie script.
Purchase options: Buy in US and world []
Cover pic:

Outline: a NY detective is having a bad day. Gang wars, drug wars, the usual. Add to that an extraterrestrial Hunter, and Schaefer must chase around the city, as people are decimated.
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Last updated: Thursday, 1st March 2018 @ 18:50 GMT